Assessments for shortlisting for the CEO awards will be based on certain criteria and indeed the public will be guided to consider these same criteria in their voting.

These are:

• Adherence to good corporate governance principles
• Performance of the enterprises they lead
• Product/service quality from the enterprises they lead
• Commitment to customer service
• Commitment to corporate social responsibility
• Commitment to cross border trade/investment
• Good personal image/reputation
• Ability to fulfill business contractual terms.

Assessments for selection for conferment of awards to business chambers would be based on the following criteria:

• Willingness and capacity to enforce good corporate governance principles on members

• Willingness to promote and facilitate cross border transactions by members
• Ability and willingness to enforce ethical corporate conduct in the dealings of their members
• Ability to conduct due diligence on member enterprises for non-members
• Ability to conduct due diligence on non-member enterprises for members

These are the criteria that will guide our specially constituted pan African Awards Conferment Jury which will select the awardee chambers. The jury will comprise nine members drawn to ensure sub regional equality of representation as follows : one Anglophone and one non-Anglophone member from West, North, East and Southern/Central Africa respectively (the non- Anglopnone depending on the most dominant other language in use in that sub particular sub-region). The 9th member who will serve as the tie-breaker vote will be a non-African working at the top tier of a multilateral institution focusing on trade and investment across Africa. We have decided to use selection rather than voting for this segment because of the lack of knowledge of chamber activities across Africa by the general public.